Five Economic Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For | Rolling Stone

Five Economic Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For

This article is making quite a splash in the media and blogosphere à la Russell Brand a short time ago. I wish the author, Jesse Myerson, would actually declare himself more explicitly to be a Marxist and defend the Soviet experience (and Cuba today) but if he did that he probably would not have gotten his article published in Rolling Stone in the first place.

Just the fact that there is such a backlash against him and his five economic “reforms” indicates to me that he’s done something right. I’m reminded of the old Hollywood phrase, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity.” It’s nice to get some of our ideas out there and get people to start to question the system.

Don’t be afraid to get out there and blog and comment on the various internet news sites talking about Mr. Myerson and his five points; or maybe strike up a conversation with your friends, relatives or co-workers as well.

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