Past a point of no return: “Russiagate” and the reorientation of U.S. imperialism – Liberation News


This is an illuminating speech by Brian Becker of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, but I have a hard time accepting his claim (and that of many others) that Trump was a surprise to the ruling class. If he was a surprise to the bourgeois ruling class as a whole, I don’t think he was to the power elite of a thousand or so individuals who manage their affairs. I think Trump was NOT their first choice, but that the course of events forced them to go that route. The burgeoning or proto-fascist movement / tendency he represents has historically been a creature of the most reactionary elements of the very top of the capitalist imperialist bourgeoisie (See Georgi Dimitrov). – PC

via Past a point of no return: “Russiagate” and the reorientation of U.S. imperialism – Liberation News

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